probable Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun an applicant likely to be chosen
  2. adjective likely but not certain to be or become true or real
    • a likely result
    • he foresaw a probable loss
  3. adjective satellite apparently destined
    • the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme


Prob"a*ble adjective
L. probabilis, fr. probare to try, approve, prove: cf. F. probable. See Prove, and cf. Provable.
  1. Capable of being proved. Obs.
  2. Having more evidence for than against; supported by evidence which inclines the mind to believe, but leaves some room for doubt; likely.
    That is accounted probable which has better arguments producible for it than can be brought against it. South.
    I do not say that the principles of religion are merely probable; I have before asserted them to be morally certain. Bp. Wilkins.
  3. Rendering probable; supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating; as, probable evidence; probable presumption. Blackstone.

Webster 1913