practicable Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. adjective satellite usable for a specific purpose
    • an operable plan
    • a practicable solution
  2. adjective satellite capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
    viable; executable; workable; feasible.


Prac"ti*ca*ble adjective
LL. practicare to act, transact, fr. L. practicus active, Gr. : cf. F. practicable, pratiquer to practice. See Practical.
  1. That may be practiced or performed; capable of being done or accomplished with available means or resources; feasible; as, a practicable method; a practicable aim; a practicable good.
  2. Capable of being used; passable; as, a practicable weapon; a practicable road. Syn. -- Possible; feasible. -- Practicable, Possible. A thing may be possible, i. e., not forbidden by any law of nature, and yet may not now be practicable for want of the means requisite to its performance. -- Prac"ti*ca*ble*ness, n. -- Prac"ti*ca*bly, adv.

Webster 1913