philistine Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
    anti-intellectual; lowbrow.
  2. noun a member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century BC
  3. adjective of or relating to ancient Philistia or its culture or its people
  4. adjective satellite smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values


Phi*lis"tine noun
L. Philistinus, Heb. Phlishthi, pl. Phlishthim.
  1. A native or an inhabitant of ancient Philistia, a coast region of southern Palestine.
  2. A bailiff. Cant, Eng. Obs. Swift.
  3. A person deficient in liberal culture and refinement; one without appreciation of the nobler aspirations and sentiments of humanity; one whose scope is limited to selfish and material interests. Recent M. Arnold.
Phi*lis"tine adjective
  1. Of or pertaining to the Philistines.
  2. Uncultured; commonplace.

Webster 1913