morbid Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. adjective satellite suggesting an unhealthy mental state
    • morbid interest in death
    • morbid curiosity
  2. adjective satellite suggesting the horror of death and decay
    • morbid details
  3. adjective satellite caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology
    pathologic; diseased; pathological.
    • diseased tonsils
    • a morbid growth
    • pathologic tissue
    • pathological bodily processes


Mor"bid adjective
L. morbidus, fr. morbus disease; prob. akin to mori to die: cf. F. morbide, It. morbido. See Mortal.
  1. Not sound and healthful; induced by a diseased or abnormal condition; diseased; sickly; as, morbid humors; a morbid constitution; a morbid state of the juices of a plant. "Her sick and morbid heart." Hawthorne.
  2. Of or pertaining to disease or diseased parts; as, morbid anatomy. Syn. -- Diseased; sickly; sick. -- Morbid, Diseased. Morbid is sometimes used interchangeably with diseased, but is commonly applied, in a somewhat technical sense, to cases of a prolonged nature; as, a morbid condition of the nervous system; a morbid sensibility, etc.

Webster 1913