molt Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun periodic shedding of the cuticle in arthropods or the outer skin in reptiles
    moult; ecdysis; moulting; molting.
  2. verb cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers
    moult; exuviate; shed; slough.
    • our dog sheds every Spring


Molt obsolete imperfect
  1. of Melt. Chaucer. Spenser.
Molt, Moult intransitive verb (Also<
  • Molt
  • Moult
OE. mouten, L. mutare. See Mew to molt, and cf. Mute, v. t.
imperfect & past participle Molted or Moulted; present participle & verbal noun Molting or Moulting
  1. To shed or cast the hair, feathers, skin, horns, or the like, as an animal or a bird. Bacon.
Molt, Moult transitive verb (Also<
  • Molt
  • Moult
  1. To cast, as the hair, skin, feathers, or the like; to shed.
Molt, Moult noun (Also<
  • Molt
  • Moult
  1. The act or process of changing the feathers, hair, skin, etc.; molting.

Webster 1913