logwood Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun very hard brown to brownish-red heartwood of a logwood tree; used in preparing a purplish red dye
  2. noun spiny shrub or small tree of Central America and West Indies having bipinnate leaves and racemes of small bright yellow flowers and yielding a hard brown or brownish-red heartwood used in preparing a black dye
    logwood tree; campeachy; Haematoxylum campechianum; bloodwood tree.


Log"wood` noun
So called from being imported in logs.
  1. The heartwood of a tree (Hæmatoxylon Campechianum), a native of South America, It is a red, heavy wood, containing a crystalline substance called hæmatoxylin, and is used largely in dyeing. An extract from this wood is used in medicine as an astringent. Also called Campeachy wood, and bloodwood.

Webster 1913