livelihood Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun the financial means whereby one lives
    living; support; bread and butter; sustenance; keep.
    • each child was expected to pay for their keep
    • he applied to the state for support
    • he could no longer earn his own livelihood


Live"li*hood noun
OE. livelode, liflode, prop., course of life, life's support, maintenance, fr. AS. lif life + lad road, way, maintenance. Confused with livelihood liveliness. See Life, and Lode.
  1. Subsistence or living, as dependent on some means of support; support of life; maintenance.
    The opportunities of gaining an honest livelihood. Addison.
    It is their profession and livelihood to get their living by practices for which they deserve to forfeit their lives. South.
Live"li*hood noun
Lively + -hood.
  1. Liveliness; appearance of life. Obs. Shak.

Webster 1913