hurt Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
    harm; injury; trauma.
  2. noun psychological suffering
    suffering; distress.
    • the death of his wife caused him great distress
  3. noun feelings of mental or physical pain
  4. noun a damage or loss
  5. noun the act of damaging something or someone
    harm; damage; scathe.
  6. verb be the source of pain
    ache; smart.
  7. verb give trouble or pain to
    • This exercise will hurt your back
  8. verb cause emotional anguish or make miserable
    anguish; pain.
    • It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school
  9. verb cause damage or affect negatively
    • Our business was hurt by the new competition
  10. verb hurt the feelings of
    spite; injure; wound; bruise; offend.
    • She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests
    • This remark really bruised my ego
  11. verb feel physical pain
    ache; suffer.
    • Were you hurting after the accident?
  12. verb feel pain or be in pain
  13. adjective satellite suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle
    • nursing his wounded arm
    • ambulances...for the hurt men and women
  14. adjective satellite damaged inanimate objects or their value


Hurt noun
  1. (Mach.) (a) A band on a trip-hammer helve, bearing the trunnions. (b) A husk. See Husk, 2.
Hurt transitive verb
OE. hurten, hirten, horten, herten; prob. fr. OF. hurter, heurter, to knock, thrust, strike, F. heurter; cf. W. hyrddu to push, drive, assault, hwrdd a stroke, blow, push; also, a ram, the orig. sense of the verb thus perhaps being, to butt as a ram; cf. D. horten to push, strike, MHG. hurten, both prob. fr. Old French.
imperfect & past participle Hurt ; present participle & verbal noun Hurting
  1. To cause physical pain to; to do bodily harm to; to wound or bruise painfully.
    The hurt lion groans within his den. Dryden.
  2. To impar the value, usefulness, beauty, or pleasure of; to damage; to injure; to harm.
    Virtue may be assailed, but never hurt. Milton.
  3. To wound the feelings of; to cause mental pain to; to offend in honor or self-respect; to annoy; to grieve. "I am angry and hurt." Thackeray.

Webster 1913