hollo Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)
    holla; bellow; roar; yowl; holler; hollering; holloa; bellowing; roaring.
    • his bellow filled the hallway
  2. verb encourage somebody by crying hollo
  3. verb cry hollo
  4. verb utter a sudden loud cry
    cry; squall; shout; call; holler; yell; scream; shout out.
    • she cried with pain when the doctor inserted the needle
    • I yelled to her from the window but she couldn't hear me


Hol*lo" interjection & noun
See Halloo, and cf. Holla.
  1. Ho there; stop; attend; hence, a loud cry or a call to attract attention; a halloo.
    And every day, for food or play, Came to the mariner's hollo. Coleridge.
Hol"lo intransitive verb
See Hollo, intery., and cf. Halloo.
imperfect & past participle Holloed ; present participle & verbal noun Holloing
  1. To call out or exclaim; to halloo.

Webster 1913