hatchel Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a comb for separating flax fibers
  2. verb comb with a heckle
    heckle; hackle.
    • heckle hemp or flax


Hatch"el noun
OE. hechele, hekele; akin to D. hekel, G. hechel, Dan. hegle, Sw. häkla, and prob. to E. hook. See Hook, and cf. Hackle, Heckle.
  1. An instrument with long iron teeth set in a board, for cleansing flax or hemp from the tow, hards, or coarse part; a kind of large comb; -- called also hackle and heckle.
Hatch"el transitive verb
OE. hechelen, hekelen; akin to D. hekelen, G. hecheln, Dan. hegle, Sw. häkla. See Hatchel, n.
imperfect & past participle Hatcheled or Hatchelled ; present participle & verbal noun Hatcheling or Hatchelling
  1. To draw through the teeth of a hatchel, as flax or hemp, so as to separate the coarse and refuse parts from the fine, fibrous parts.
  2. To tease; to worry; to torment. Colloq.

Webster 1913