hank Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a coil of rope or wool or yarn


Hank noun
Cf. Dan. hank handle, Sw. hank a band or tie, Icel. hanki hasp, clasp, hönk, hangr, hank, coil, skein, G. henkel, henk, handle; ar prob. akin to E. hang. See Hang.
  1. A parcel consisting of two or more skeins of yarn or thread tied together.
  2. A rope or withe for fastening a gate. Prov. Eng.
  3. Hold; influence.
    When the devil hath got such a hank over him. Bp. Sanderson.
  4. (Naut.) A ring or eye of rope, wood, or iron, attached to the edge of a sail and running on a stay.
Hank transitive verb
  1. OE. hanken. To fasten with a rope, as a gate. Prov. Eng. Wright.
  2. To form into hanks.

Webster 1913