fraction Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process
  2. noun a small part or item forming a piece of a whole
  3. noun the quotient of two rational numbers
  4. verb perform a division
    • Can you divide 49 by seven?


Frac"tion noun
F. fraction, L. fractio a breaking, fr. frangere, fractum, to break. See Break.
  1. The act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence. Obs.
    Neither can the natural body of Christ be subject to any fraction or breaking up. Foxe.
  2. A portion; a fragment.
    Some niggard fractions of an hour. Tennyson.
  3. (Arith. or Alg.) One or more aliquot parts of a unit or whole number; an expression for a definite portion of a unit or magnitude.
Frac"tion transitive verb
  1. (Chem.) To separate by means of, or to subject to, fractional distillation or crystallization; to fractionate; -- frequently used with out; as, to fraction out a certain grade of oil from pretroleum.

Webster 1913