caption Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun taking exception; especially a quibble based on a captious argument
    • a mere caption unworthy of a reply
  2. noun translation of foreign dialogue of a movie or TV program; usually displayed at the bottom of the screen
  3. noun brief description accompanying an illustration
  4. verb provide with a caption, as of a photograph or a drawing


Cap"tion noun
L. captio, fr. caper to take. In senses 3 and 4, perhaps confounded in meaning with L. caput a head. See Capacious.
  1. A caviling; a sophism. Obs.
    This doctrine is for caption and contradiction. Bacon.
  2. The act of taking or arresting a person by judicial process. R. Bouvier.
  3. (Law) That part of a legal instrument, as a commission, indictment, etc., which shows where, when, and by what authority, it taken, found, or executed. Bouvier. Wharton.
  4. The heading of a chapter, section, or page. U. S.

Webster 1913