allude Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. verb make a more or less disguised reference to
    touch; advert.
    • He alluded to the problem but did not mention it


Al*lude" intransitive verb
L. alludere to play with, to allude; ad + ludere to play.
imperfect & past participle Alluded; present participle & verbal noun Alluding
  1. To refer to something indirectly or by suggestion; to have reference to a subject not specifically and plainly mentioned; -- followed by to; as, the story alludes to a recent transaction.
    These speeches . . . do seem to allude unto such ministerial garments as were then in use. Hooker.
    Syn. -- To refer; point; indicate; hint; suggest; intimate; signify; insinuate; advert. See Refer.
Al*lude" transitive verb
  1. To compare allusively; to refer (something) as applicable. Obs. Wither.

Webster 1913